- แบบฝึกหัด 1
- เรียงลำดับคำนามและคำคุณศัพท์
- I have a (white / dress) ____________.
- This plant has (red / flowers) ____________.
- I bought a (bag / small) ____________.
- Mr. David has a pair of (shoes / big) ____________.
- Chris drives a (car / small) to work. ____________.
- แบบฝึกหัด 2
- เลือกคำที่ถูกต้องในวงเล็บ
- This car is (fast / fastly).
- She looks (happy / beautifully).
- The teacher gets (angrily / angry).
- Mr. William feels (upset / happily).
- That sounds (beautifully / interesting).

เฉลยแบบฝึกหัด 1
- เรียงลำดับคำนามและคำคุณศัพท์
- I have a (white / dress) white dress.
- This plant has (red / flowers) red flowers.
- I bought a (bag / small) small bag.
- Mr. David has a pair of (shoes / big) big shoes.
- Chris drives a (car / small) small car to work.
- เฉลยแบบฝึกหัด 2
- ขีดเส้นใต้คำที่ถูกต้องในวงเล็บ
- This car is (fast / fastly).
- She looks (happy / beautifully).
- The teacher gets (angrily / angry).
- Mr. William feels (upset / happily).
- That sounds (beautifully / interesting).
